
Lucius 2012 PC Game



You play Lucius , a formidable six year-old child.  Born on the 6th of June, 1966 (you can do the conversion), Lucius has the honor of being the anti-Christ and all the light-hearted responsibilities that come with it.  Visited by his dad on Birthday number six, Lucius is tasked with carrying out the whims of his father:  murdering all the inhabitants of Dante Manor.
The face of evil.

The game is comprised of nine separate chapters.  Each begins with a voice-over and a notebook entry on who your next target is, and concludes with a grisly homicide and


Equipped with supernatural powers, take control of Lucius as he begins a blood-filled tour of horror in this cinematic horror game.

a follow-up visit from Satan to grant Lucius new powers and to bolster old ones, such as telekinesis, combustion, and mind-control.  While many of the kills are creative, entertaining, and sometimes morbidly funny, what the game often requires of you to reach that moment of satisfaction often results in frustration.


As an anti-hero six-year-old Satan spawn, you’re quite the amalgam of bad-ass and unsuspected hitman – but without much motive or directive.  Each kill requires you to piece together sporadic clues to determine what items or tools are necessary to manipulate your target or lure them into places they might not otherwise go (such as face-first into a stove top element to light a cigarette).



The entire game takes place at Dante Manor, an enormous, sprawling estate with dozens of rooms to explore, drawers to rifle through, and objects to steal for your nefarious ends.  While the ultimate demise of each target is often original and unpredictable, reaching that moment typically mimics a “Take object A to manipulate object B to get target C to do task D”.  As such, there is little freedom in getting to the end result.  This is not a sandbox game and does not follow the open-ended format of, for example, the Hitman and Manhunt series – but that difference isn’t necessarily a flaw, as it serves a purpose by bolstering the narrative.

Backing into walls can result in...this.

For those who enjoy all aspects of the discovery process, clicking around in different environments and ultimately finding what you’re looking for can be rewarding – although the emotion I frequently experienced was exasperation.  With little feedback that you’re on the right course, the game can quickly stop being fun. Because of each mission’s strict requirements, the intended payoffs act more as a relief to pent-up frustration for finally getting it right.  There was nothing more disappointing than going into the kitchen and being unable to pick up the butcher knife.  The mission requirements are often unclear, as almost the entire mansion is free to roam from murder one.  Further, there is no initial tutorial on the sequential nature of your murderous imperatives, so you’ll need to start clicking early, often, and indiscriminately.



Where the frustration often comes in is when you’re desperately trying to find the next required item to trigger the next scripted sequence or dialogue, so you can in turn use that clue to get down to business.  The Manor is highly-detailed, huge and pretty much unrestricted in accessibility from the beginning.  This gives you room to explore, but sometimes finding the necessary tools necessitates a click-fest of drawers, cabinets, and items lying around, until you find what you need.  The game is plagued with some annoying glitches, clipping problems and hit detection, breaking the flow of the narrative (like characters getting stuck, objects flying around mysteriously and unpredictably after manipulating them, or the camera auto-moving to a 1st-person perspective when near a wall, which is quite jarring).



Graphically, the game isn’t ugly, but a lot of the colors are washed out, the lighting is unrealistic and interferes with other sources (like the outside light interacting with ambient light), and the animations are jerky.  The cutscenes are entertaining but suffer from poor camera placement and direction.  Subtracting from the presentation are the unacceptably long load times.  This compounds frustration when occasionally you’ll fail a mission because someone may have seen you wielding a screwdriver that you had no business wielding, or overtly using your telekinesis, drawing attention from those around.  There are no waypoints, so if you fail, you’re back at the beginning, but first you’ll be staring at a load screen.

A hot mess.

The in-game music features some fun, weird, bugle-filled atmospheric tracks, sometimes employing the cellos, violin crescendos, and orchestral choirs that are common of the horror genre.  Sadly, the music is often on short loops, and can get annoying or simply feel out of place during parts of the chapters.  Speaking about out of place, the game’s voice acting is B-rate at best, suffering at times from a poorly-translated script and inadequate direction.  This was especially disappointing due to the game being heavily story-driven and reliant on verbal or conversational cues that felt detached.


Despite the game’s ambitious premise, its many shortfalls overshadow the things it actually does well.  The murders are always a treat.  Coupled with Lucius’ deadpan death-stare and the ludicrously lavish and ridiculous ways in which targets reach their bloody ends, there is often a sick, dark humor that pervades the game. This is also apparent among the surviving residents and workers as they’re picked off one by one, slowly slipping into depression or insanity, and little Lucius just stands there, taking in all the madness, while still conducting his everyday business of putting away his toys and brushing his teeth (these are sadly further nuisances – chores – that break up the narrative but add to the hilarity).



Lucius can be engrossing, charming, and even darkly funny. Sadly, the game is bogged down by its poor execution, inconsistent atmosphere, buggy levels, and monotonous mission objectives. If you enjoyed The Omen series (which this game generously borrows from), then you might find something to like in Lucius. Its unsatisfying ending, that despite leaving many questions unanswered, at least leaves the option open for a sequel that is perhaps more refined, tighter, and better-executed.





LUCIUS PC Game System Requirements

OS: Windows® XP SP 3 (32-64 bits) / Windows Vista® (32-64 bits) / Windows 7® (32-64 bits)CPU: (Minimum) Pentium 4 1,5GHz or Athlon XP equivalent (Recommended) Pentium Core 2 2,6GHz or AMD equivalent Memory: (Minimum) 1,5 GB RAM (Windows XP) / 1,5 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7) (Recommended) 2 GB for Windows ® XP, 2 GB for Vista / Windows ® 7 Video Memory: (Minimum) NVIDIA 8600 Series or ATI equivalent with 512MB of Graphics Memory (Recommended) NVIDIA 260 GT Series or ATI equivalent with 512MB of Graphics MemoryHDD : 3 GB of free Hard Drive Space

LUCIUS PC Game Install Help

1. Download The game

2. Extract the game

3. Mount ISO file with Daemon Tools ,Power ISO or Magic ISO

4. Instal the game

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