Download Free PC Game Section 8
how every life of Section 8 starts. A multiplayer-focused shooter from TimeGate Studios, known for its Kohan PC-only real-time strategy titles and the Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate expansions to Monolith's F.E.A.R., the heart of Section 8 is in the right place. Not only is it far more entertaining than watching a respawn timer to come screaming down from above after you're killed, but it's a mechanic that lets you pick and choose exactly where you want to fall and even gives you a degree of control beyond that since you can hit the brakes as you near the ground to allow for a more precise landing. Maybe you'll need to use it because your initial drop put you in the direct line of fire of an enemy's anti-air fire, or maybe you'll want to adjust so you can land directly on top of an enemy convoy, or in the midst of your fellow teammates. It's all about versatility in Section 8, and if it weren't for some drawbacks when it comes to combat and presentation, this would have been a real standout experience.
As it is, the game, like most good first-person shooters, lets you fall into a rhythm when it comes to movement. Every soldier in the game gets a Tribes-style jetpack with a limited burn. Use it to launch up onto rooftops or, better yet, in combination with your overdrive run. Since the maps tend to be fairly large, traversing the terrain is made easier by shifting out from first to third-person view once you've sprinted enough to fill a gauge, called overdrive. Once it's engaged you blast across the ground, can cause damage to those you run into, and can spark your jetpack at your higher rate of speed, allowing easy access into enemy territory as you rocket skyward, pick out an enemy, and engage your weapon's temporary lock-on ability to score a kill.
Section 8 Download PC Game
The ultimate goal of any multiplayer match is capturing and holding a series of points in what's called Conquest mode, reminiscent of a game of Battlefield. Hack one to start the capture process, capture more and hold them to score points for your team, protect them so the enemy doesn't hack and capture. If your team's coordinated or lucky or both you'll hit the required win total at which point you can smile and browse the leaderboard before the match resets. It's not exactly a revolutionary setup, but it works, and the multitude of variables whirring about on the battlefield keeps things interesting beyond the killing of individual troops.
Loadouts can be customized before you bomb down into the fight. A range of pre-built classes are available, but your best bet is to go in and pick whatever weapons you want, add in your tools, and then lock in your passive modifiers. Do you take the machine gun to put up a blistering wall of gunfire against opponents at short-range? The rocket launcher to take out turrets and enemy vehicles? The repair tool to keep your captured point's gun and rocket and sensor towers intact, as well as healing teammates and yourself? Do you want to boost your regenerative shields and armor, or focus more on a stealthy approach to infiltrate a hostile compound hidden from sensors until you can plant a knife in the back of whoever's standing watch?
It's a system that anyone interested in frequently changing their role during a match should appreciate, since you can even do it on the fly if you interface with the proper structures without having to wait for a death to swap gear. While it doesn't afford for styles of play as scream-at-your-screen surprising as Team Fortress 2's Spy, it's still a nice mix. Snipers, heavy weapons aficionados, and those who like to hang back to heal and repair are all well catered too with a nice assortment of tools and modifiable skills. Regardless of which path you choose, you're rewarded, and with the accumulated points from successful battle actions you can bring down from the sky anti-air guns, minigun turrets, bipedal mechanized suits, tanks and more. Just be sure you're not summoning in the midst of hostile anti-air – better break out some explosives to solve that problem.
Section 8 Download PC Game
While things and players are slamming into the ground and exploding and capture points and being hacked and defused, Quake Wars-style secondary objectives will pop up all around the map. There'll be a convoy you need to escort or destroy, a remote base that needs protection, a computer controlled commando that spawns in and has to be blown to bits, targets to bomb and beacons that have to be activated. All this keeps all players on their toes, as you can reap significant rewards from following through on these side conflicts, and forces you to make even more decisions when it comes to how to go about winning. Do you hang back and continue to protect your control point, dropping in additional turret support once you've acquired the resources, or do you run out and try to complete a side objective? This is where the teamwork part comes in. If you're in a good squad, expect to dominate. If everyone's running around doing their own thing, expect to get trounced.
If this all sounds a little complicated, that's because it very much is. This is, without a doubt, a hardcore title, and can get quite hectic with a full server. Upon first picking up the controls and trying to manage overdrive sprinting mixed with jetpack bursts (do you do a single burn or rapidly tap the ignition for a flatter line of flight?) in addition to the effective range of your weaponry and when or if to engage a lock-on can be daunting, to the point where some with less patience might drop the controller and forget about Section 8 altogether. With some perseverance it's possible to see the wealth of choices for combat the game has to offer, empowering you to make decisions for yourself as to how to behave instead of funneling you into a rigid class system, something anyone who's played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare online should be familiar with.
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
Section 8 Download PC Game
SECTION 8 PC Game System Requirements
OS: Microsoft® Windows® ХР SP2 / Vista / 7 /CPU: Intel 3.0GHz (single), 2.0GHz (dual), or AMD AthlonXP3200+ Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista & 7 / Video Memory: nVidia GeForce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1900 HDD: 5 GB of free Hard Drive Space
SECTION 8 PC Game Install Help
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3, Install (also Games for Windows Live)
4. Copy the content from the SKIDROW directory on the DVD to
your installation directory and overwrite
5. Start game and create an offline Games for Windows Live
account, if you don't have one already
6. Play the game